Team Bolivia 2010

Team Bolivia 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Morning in Santa Cruz

(It was late last night when we got our post up, so be sure to look for it if it doesn't show up on your screen with this one.)

Just a quick note this morning before we head out. Plan "A" today is to have a soccer clinic this morning and then play with the kids at Talita Cumi this afternoon before a gathering with local missionaries tonight. There is no "work" scheduled for today. We'll see what is reported tonight when the day is done - Plan A, or B, or C . . . you get the idea!

It looks cloudy and cool this morning, but no rain so far. Please pray for strength for the team as we are tired - not much "down" time. Also, a 7-year old boy from the NC team, Bennett, was sick with a fever yesterday and he and his mom stayed back at the hotel. Please pray for healing for him and health for all of us. The transportation is an experience and you can pray for our safety as we ride the micros. It is a wonder there aren't more accidents! Also, the Gospel will be shared at the soccer clinic today, please pray that the children would be receptive to God's Word!
More tonight . . . (Sherry)


  1. Boy sounds like had a busy day..We will pray for Bennett, and your stamina. You guys got so much done yesterday. It looks like it might be cool outside...Laura those rocks look really nice and organized..We love to see the pictures. Corny if you do plan on msn or skype let me know roughly what time and date so we can make sure we are around....and not swimming. Is there more then an hour time difference. We're lifting you all up before the thrown. Enjoy Saturday.

  2. Please pray for Iris and Johnnie as they leave after church for Colorado. The memorial service for Ashley, my cousin is at 10 A.M. Monday morning. Please pray for comfort for Carl and Colleen, parents and Justina their daughter and my Aunt MaryAnn who was Ashley's grandma. Also Johnnie's angiogram has been rescheduled for June 15th. Thanks
    Iris and Johnnie

  3. Dee and I are really enjoying the updates. We check often during the day to see if anything new is up. We like viewing the photos of the children. We continue to pray for all of you frequently throughout the day. Hope the rains stay away for you. (We could use some cooling rain here. It' 98 right now!) Stay strong. . . stay well. . . and God bless each of you!
